Slim - Fatburner tea
I am Slim Tea Fatburner, a delicious blend of natural ingredients carefully selected to support your body in detoxing and revitalizing. This tea is ideal for anyone who strives for a healthy lifestyle.
My base is Pu Erh black tea from China, known for its detoxifying properties and rich in antioxidants, which aids digestion and provides a deeper flavor. I am enriched with ginger, known for its anti-inflammatory properties and support of immune function. I also include Sencha green tea from China, which is rich in antioxidants and beneficial for metabolism. Lemongrass, another ingredient, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and relaxing effect on muscles.
Did you know that my ingredients are completely organically grown and I contain 0% additives? Try me and experience how I can help you with your health goals!
Ingredients: Black tea Pu Erh (China), ginger, Green tea Sencha (China), lemongrass, nettle leaves, peppermint leaves, orange oil, Mate (Brazil), coriander, lemon balm leaves, dandelion, green tea Matcha.
Ingredients: Black tea Pu Erh (China), ginger, green tea Sencha (China), lemongrass, nettle leaves, peppermint leaves, orange oil, Mate (Brazil), coriander, lemon balm leaves, dandelion, green tea Matcha.
Ingredients: Thé noir Pu Erh (Chine), gingembre, Thé vert Sencha (Chine), citronnelle, feuilles d'ortie, feuilles de menthe poivrée, huile d'orange, Maté (Brésil), coriandre, feuilles de mélisse, pissenlit, thé vert Matcha .
Add: Schwarzer Tee Pu Erh (China), Ingwer, Grüner Tee Sencha (China), Zitronengras, Brennnesselblätter, Pfefferminzblätter, Orangenöl, Mate (Brasilien), Coriander, Zitronenmelissenblätter, Löwenzahn, Grüner Tee Matcha.
المكونات: See more (الصين)، عشبة الليمون، أوراق نبات القراص، أوراق النعناع، زيت البرتقال، المتة (البرازيل)، الكزبرة، أوراق بلسم الليمون، الهندباء، الشاي الأخضر ماتشا