Pure Forest fruit tea

Weight: 225g


I am Pure Forest Fruit Tea, a forest fruit tea that is a real treat for anyone who loves the taste of blackberries. My origins lie in the world of fruit teas, where a blend of various forest fruits is traditionally used to provide a rich and flavorful experience.

I am a fruit tea enriched with a selection of forest fruits such as elderberries, raspberries, strawberries, sour cherries, as well as apple pieces, rosehip peels and hibiscus flowers. These ingredients create a taste characterized by the freshness and sweetness of blueberries, with an aromatic touch of blackberries and a subtle acidity.

Did you know that I am completely organically grown and contain 0% additives? Enjoy the pure and natural taste of Pure Forest Fruit Tea and be surprised by the richness of forest fruits. Are you going to try me?

Ingredients: Apple pieces, rosehip peels, hibiscus blossoms, blackberry leaves, elderberries, raspberry pieces, strawberry pieces, sour cherries.

Ingredients: Apple pieces, rosehip peel, hibiscus blossoms, blackberry leaves, elderberries, raspberry pieces, strawberry pieces, sour cherries.

Ingredients: Morceaux de pomme, écorces d'églantier, fleurs d'hibiscus, feuilles de mûre, sureau, morceaux de framboise, morceaux de fraise, griottes.

Add: Apfelstücke, Hagebuttenbakken, Hibiskusblüten, Brombeerblätter, Holunderbeeren, Himbeerstücke, Erdbeerstücke, Sauerkirschen.

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