Sleeping tea
I am Sleeping Tea, your ideal tea for a relaxing and peaceful night. This carefully composed mix of selected herbs and rooibos supports the relaxation of both body and mind.
My ingredients, including lemon balm leaves, fennel and lavender flowers, have been valued for centuries for their calming effects and their role in promoting deep, restful sleep. Fenugreek seeds and passionflower help to naturally calm the body, while tonka bean and orange oil provide a pleasant flavour.
Did you know that I am completely organically grown and contain 0% additives? Try me and experience the calming effect of Sleep Tea!
Ingredients: Lemon balm leaves, fenugreek seeds, fennel, apple pieces, passion flower herb, lemongrass, natural bourbon-vanilla flavouring, rooibos (South Africa), green rooibos (South Africa), orange oil, lavender blossoms, orange peel, tonka bean, marigold blossoms.
Ingredients: Lemon balm leaves, fenugreek seeds, fennel, apple pieces, passion flower herb, lemongrass, natural bourbon vanilla flavouring, rooibos (South Africa), green rooibos (South Africa), orange oil, lavender blossom, orange peel, tonka bean, marigold.
Ingredients: Feuilles de mélisse, graines de fenugrec, fenouil, morceaux de pomme, passiflore, citronnelle, natural vanilla bourbon aroma, rooibos (Afrique du Sud), rooibos vert (Afrique du Sud), huile d'orange, fleurs de lavande, zeste d 'orange, fève tonka, souci fleurs.
Add: Zitronenmelissenblätter, Bockshornkleesamen, Fenchel, Apfelstücke, Passionsblumenkraut, Zitronengras, natürliches Bourbon-Vanilla-Aroma, Rooibos (Südafrika), grüner Rooibos (Südafrika), Orangenöl, Lavendelblüten, Orangenschale, Tonkabohne, Ringelblume.
المكونات: See more More information: العاطفة، عشبة الرويبوس (جنوب أفريقيا)، الرويبوس الأخضر (جنوب أفريقيا)، زيت البرتقال، أزهار اللافندر، قشر البرتقال، أزهار