Multifruit tea
I am Multifruit Tea, a delicious combination of fruits, blossoms and spices. My origins lie in the world of herbal teas, where combining various natural ingredients offers a rich and versatile taste experience.
I contain apple pieces, carrot pieces, rosehip peels, lemongrass, hibiscus flowers, chokeberries and orange peel. These ingredients together provide a fruity taste with a refreshing hint of orange. My caffeine-free composition makes me ideal for any time of the day.
Did you know that I am completely organically grown and contain 0% additives? Enjoy the pure and refreshing flavours of Multifruit Tea and discover the rich mix of fruits and spices. Are you going to try me?
Ingredients: Apple pieces, carrot pieces, rosehip peels, lemongrass, hibiscus blossoms, aronia berries, orange oil, orange peel, lemon verbena.
Ingredients: Apple pieces, carrot pieces, rosehip peel, lemongrass, hibiscus blossoms, chokeberries, orange oil, orange peel, lemon verbena.
Ingredients: Morceaux de pommes, morceaux de carottes, écorces d'églantier, citronnelle, fleurs d'hibiscus, baies d'aronia, huile d'orange, écorces d'orange, verveine citronnée.
Add: Apfelstücke, Karottenstücke, Hagebutten scales, Zitronengras, Hibiskusblüten, Aroniabeeren, Orangenöl, Orangenschale, Zitronenverbene.
المكونات: More information قشر البرتقال، لويزة الليمون