Nursing tea
I am Nursing Tea, specially developed to support breastfeeding mothers. My origins lie in ancient herbal knowledge, using traditional herbs to stimulate and stabilize milk production.
My carefully formulated blend contains fenugreek seed, fennel, anise, lemon balm leaves, lemongrass, caraway and lavender flowers, all known for their role in supporting milk flow and promoting hormonal balance.
These herbs provide valuable nutrients and antioxidants that contribute to a healthy breastfeeding period. My taste is a harmonious blend of spicy and slightly sweet notes, making every cup a soothing experience.
Did you know that I am fully organically grown and contain 0% additives? Discover how I can support you during this special period and try me out!
Ingredients: Fenugreek seeds, fennel, anise, lemon balm leaves, lemongrass, caraway, lavender blossoms.
Ingredients: Fenugreek seeds, fennel, anise, lemon balm leaves, lemongrass, caraway, lavender blossoms.
Ingredients: Graines de fenugrec, fenouil, anis, feuilles de mélisse, citronnelle, carvi, fleurs de lavande.
Add: Bockshornkleesamen, Fenchel, Anis, Melissenblätter, Zitronengras, Kümmel, Lavendelblüten.
المكونات: See more More info الليمون، الكراوية،