Balance tea

Weight: 200g


I am Balance Tea, a unique and exotic herbal tea that will enchant your taste buds worldwide with high-quality ingredients. My origins lie in the world of aromatic herbal blends, where the combination of ginger, lemon and essential oils is known for its refreshing and energizing properties.

With a flavor that perfectly balances the spiciness of ginger and the freshness of lemon, my tea offers both caffeine and theine, contributing to an invigorating and stimulating experience. This energetic blend is ideal for the office, during sports or other active moments.

Did you know that I am completely organically grown and contain 0% additives? Discover the refreshing power of Balance Tea and try me out!

Ingredients: Green tea Sencha (China), ginger, nettle leaves, mate (Brazil), lemongrass, cinnamon, lemon oil, peppermint leaves, green tea matcha (China), turmeric, goji berries, chili cayenne pepper, mint oil.

Ingredients: Green tea Sencha (China), ginger, nettle leaves, mate (Brazil), lemongrass, cinnamon, lemon oil, peppermint leaves, green tea matcha (China), turmeric, goji berries, chili cayenne pepper, mint oil.

Ingredients: Thé vert Sencha (Chine), gingembre, feuilles d'ortie, maté (Brésil), citronnelle, cannelle, huile de citron, feuilles de menthe poivrée, thé vert matcha (Chine), curcuma, baies de goji, piment de Cayenne, huile the menthe.

Add: Grüner Tee Sencha (China), Ingwer, Brennnesselblätter, Mate (Brasilien), Zitronengras, Zimt, Zitronenöl, Pfefferminzblätter, Grüntee-Matcha (China), Turmeric, Goji-Beeren, Chili-Cayennepfeffer, Minzöl.

المكونات: الشاِ (البرازيل)، عشبة الليمون، القرفة، زيت الليمون، أوراق النعناع، ​​شاي ماتشا الأخضر (الصين)، الكركم، توت الغوجي، الفلفل الحار، زيت النعناع.