Pure Rooibos tea
I am Rooibos tea, originating from South Africa and grown under controlled conditions.
My tea has a characteristic fruity sweet taste and is completely unsweetened. What makes me special is that I am naturally caffeine free, making me an excellent alternative to black or green tea.
Rooibos is rich in antioxidants and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron, which contribute to good health.
Did you know that if you pour boiling water over me and let me steep for at least 5 minutes, I get an intense red color that perfectly emphasizes my aromatic flavor? I contain 0% additives and am organically grown. Are you going to try me?
Ingredients: Rooibos (South Africa)
Ingredients: Rooibos (South Africa)
Ingredients: Rooibos (South Africa)
Add: Rooibos (South Africa)
المكونات: الرويبوس (جنوب أفريقيا)