Caramel Cream tea

Weight: 350g


I am Caramel Cream Tea, a luxurious Rooibos tea refined with a delicious, creamy caramel flavour. My origins lie in South Africa, where I am obtained from the leaves and stems of the Rooibos bush. To create my rich caramel and cream flavours, natural ingredients such as date pieces, carob and honeybush are added.

My flavor profile offers a wonderful combination of sweet caramel and soft cream notes, making me an excellent substitute for unhealthy sweet drinks that often contain a lot of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients. Furthermore, I am caffeine-free, making me perfect for a relaxing evening moment.

Did you know that all ingredients in my composition are organically grown? This ensures a pure and authentic taste experience without compromising on quality. Try me and enjoy the delicious sweetness of Caramel Cream Tea!

Ingredients: Rooibos (South Africa), carob, date pieces (date, rice flour), honeybush (South Africa), natural caramel flavouring, CARAMEL PIECES (cane sugar, glucose syrup, condensed milk, butter, salt), NATURAL CREAM FLAVOR, marigold blossoms .

Ingredients: Rooibos (South Africa), carob trees, date pieces (date, rice flour), honeybush (South Africa), natural caramel flavour, CARAMEL PIECES (cane sugar, glucose syrup, condensed milk, butter, salt), NATURAL CREAM FLAVOUR, marigold blossoms.

Ingredients: Rooibos (Afrique du Sud), caroube, morceaux de dattes (datte, farine de riz), honeybush (Afrique du Sud), arôme naturel de caramel, MORCEAUX DE CARAMEL (sucre de canne, syrup de glucose, lait concentré, beurre, sel ), ARÔME NATURAL DE CRÈME, fleurs de souci.

Add: Rooibos (Südafrika), Johannisbrot, Dattelstücke (Dattel, Reismehl), Honeybush (Südafrika), natürliches Caramel aroma, KARAMELLSTÜCKE (Rohrzucker, Glukosesirup, Kondensmilch, Butter, Salz), NATÜRLICHES CREMEGESCHMACK, Ringelblumenblüten.

المكونات: الرويبوس (جنوب أفريقيا)، الخروب، قطع التمر (التمر، دقيق الأرز)، قطع الكراميل (قصب See more More info الكريمة الطبيعية، أزهار