Fasting tea

Weight: 175g


I am Fasting Tea, a caffeine-free herbal tea made from 100% natural and high-quality ingredients. My origins lie in traditional herbal blends designed to support the body in detoxification and purification.

My light and refreshing taste comes from carefully selected herbs known for their cleansing properties.

Did you know that the combination of herbs in me can help to promote your digestion and support a healthy balance in your body? I contain 0% additives and am organically grown. Will you try me?

Ingredients: Mate (Brazil), milk thistle seeds, coriander, nettle leaves, green tea Sencha (China), lemon balm leaves, spearmint leaves, lemon verbena, rosmary, lavender blossoms, mint oil.

Ingredients: Mate (Brazil), milk thistle seed, coriander, nettle leaves, green tea Sencha (China), lemon balm leaves, spearmint leaves, lemon verbena, rosemary, lavender blossom, mint oil.

Ingredients: Maté (Brésil), graines de chardon-Marie, coriandre, feuilles d'ortie, thé vert Sencha (Chine), feuilles de mélisse, feuilles de menthe verte, verveine citronnée, romarin, fleurs de lavande, huile de menthe.

Add: Mate (Brasilien), Mariendistelsamen, Coriander, Brennnesselblätter, grüner Tee Sencha (China), Zitronenmelissenblätter, Krauseminzblätter, Zitronenverbene, Rosmarin, Lavendelblüten, Minzöl.

المكونات: المتة (البرازيل)، بذور الشوك الحليبي، الكزبرة، أوراق نبات More info (الصين)، أوراق بلسم الليمون، أوراق النعناع، ​​​​رعي More info أزهار اللافندر، زيت النعناع