Naimi Foods

Ginger Sliced tea

275g (Bio)


Nice to meet you. 

Our ginger slices, bring a spicy and invigorating kick to your drinks. You also benefit from the versatile health-promoting properties of ginger, such as its anti-inflammatory effect and its support for healthy digestion. Enjoy the intense flavor and valuable properties of these exceptional ginger pieces and give your drinks, or even your dishes, a distinctive touch of spice and freshness.


Fat | Vetten ׀ Graisses ׀ Fette l دهون,
Saturated fat | Verzadigd vet | Matières grasses saturées | Gesättigte Fette | دهون مشبعة,
Trans fats | Transvetten | Graisses trans | Transfette | دهون متحولة,
Cholesterol | Cholesterol | Cholestérol | Cholesterin | كولسترول,
Sodium | Natrium | Sodium | Natrium | صوديوم,
Carbohydrates | Koolhydraten | Glucides | Kohlenhydrate | كربوهيدرات,
Dietary fiber | Voedingsvezels | Fibres alimentaires | Ballaststoffe | ألياف غذائية,
Salt | Zout | Salé | Salz | ملح
Sugars | Suikers | Sucres | Zucker | سكريات,
Added sugars | Toegevoegde suikers | Sucres ajoutés | Zugesetzter Zucker | سكر مضاف,
Protein | Eiwitten | Protéines | Eiweiß | بروتين,
Calcium | Calcium | Calcium | Kalzium | كالسيوم,
Iron | IJzer | Fer | Eisen | حديد,
Potassium | Kalium | Potassium | Kalium | بوتاسيوم,

Ingredients: Ginger (100%)

Ingrediënten: Gember (100%)

Ingrédients: Gingembre (100%)

Zutaten: Ingwer (100 %)

المكونات: زنجبيل (100%)