Smoked paprika powder

Weight: 150g


I am smoked paprika—a rich and versatile spice known for my smoky flavor and vibrant color. My aromatic and slightly sweet flavor adds depth and complexity to a variety of dishes. Whether you use me to flavor meat, fish, vegetables, or soups, I am sure to bring a delicious burst of smokiness to your culinary creations.

My origins lie in dried peppers that are smoked before being ground, usually in Spain. This smoking gives me my characteristic smoky aroma and rich flavor. Nutritionally, I am a source of antioxidants and vitamin A, which contribute to a healthy diet.

Did you know that I am not only a great seasoning agent, but also add visual interest to your dishes with my vibrant color? Let me enhance the flavor of your meals and discover the rich and smoky depth of smoked paprika powder! Will you try me?

Ingredients: Sweet paprika

Ingredients: Sweet pepper


