



Nice to meet you!

"I am a nutritious and flavorful seed known as poppy seeds. My tiny, kidney-shaped seeds and nutty taste make me a favorite among health-conscious food lovers. I'm packed with essential minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium, and a good source of fiber and healthy fats. You can enjoy me sprinkled on top of baked goods like bread, muffins, and bagels, or added to savory dishes like salads, dressings, and sauces. Thank you for choosing me, and I can't wait to add my nutritious and flavorful character to your meals.


KCAL, 525
Fat | Vetten ׀ Graisses ׀ Fette l دهون, 41,0 g
Saturated fat | Verzadigd vet | Matières grasses saturées | Gesättigte Fette | دهون مشبعة, 4,5 g
Trans fats | Transvetten | Graisses trans | Transfette | دهون متحولة, -
Cholesterol | Cholesterol | Cholestérol | Cholesterin | كولسترول, -
Sodium | Natrium | Sodium | Natrium | صوديوم, 0,01 g
Carbohydrates | Koolhydraten | Glucides | Kohlenhydrate | كربوهيدرات, 8,6 g
Dietary fiber | Voedingsvezels | Fibres alimentaires | Ballaststoffe | ألياف غذائية, 20,0 g
Salt | Zout | Salé | Salz | ملح
Sugars | Suikers | Sucres | Zucker | سكريات, 3,0 g
Added sugars | Toegevoegde suikers | Sucres ajoutés | Zugesetzter Zucker | سكر مضاف, -
Protein | Eiwitten | Protéines | Eiweiß | بروتين, 18 g
Calcium | Calcium | Calcium | Kalzium | كالسيوم, -
Iron | IJzer | Fer | Eisen | حديد, -
Potassium | Kalium | Potassium | Kalium | بوتاسيوم, -

Ingredients: Poppy Seeds

Ingrediënten: Maanzaad

Ingrédients: Graines de Pavot

Zutaten: Mohnsamen
