Peanuts (salted and roasted)

Weight: 400g


I am a delicious, high-quality peanut. My soft and creamy texture and nutty flavor make me the perfect snack. Whether you enjoy me straight from the bag or use me in your favorite recipes, I will surely surprise you with my delicious flavor.

Thank you for choosing me, and I can't wait to spoil your taste buds with my creamy character!

Nutritional values Per 100g

KCAL 556

Fat | Fats and Grains and Fat and Vegetables 41.0 g

Saturated fat | Saturated fat | Saturated grass materials | Saturated fat | For reference 8.7 g

Trans fats | Trans fats | Graisses trans | Transfette | دهون متحولة -

Cholesterol | Cholesterol | Cholesterol | Cholesterin | كولسترول -

Sodium | Sodium | Sodium | Sodium | صوديوم -

Carbohydrates | Carbohydrates | Glucides | Kohlhydrate | كربوهيدرات 14.3 g

Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | Food fibers | Ballast substances | Natural ingredients 7.7 g

Sugars | Sugars | Sucres | Zucker | Google 4.8 g

Added sugars | Added sugars | Sucres ajoutés | Zugesetzter Zucker | سكر مضاف -

Protein | Proteins | Proteins | Egg whites | بروتين 30 g

Calcium | Calcium | Calcium | Kalzium | كالسيوم -

Iron | Iron | Fer | Iron | Iron -

Potassium | Potassium | Potassium | Potassium | بوتاسيوم -

Ingredients: Peanuts

Ingredients: Peanuts

Ingredients: Cacahuètes

Add: Earthnuts

المكونات: Arabic calligraphy

Contains nuts. May contain traces of peanuts.
Contains nuts. May contain traces of peanuts.
Continent des noix. Complete content of the traces d'arachides.
Enthält Nüsse. Kann Spuren von Erdnüssen enthalten.
يحتوي على المكسرات. More information