7 Sensory Herbs
I am 7 Sensory Herbs Tea, a treat for the body and mind. This harmonious blend of rosehip and lemon offers a refreshing and healing experience. Rosehip, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, supports your immune system and contributes to good health. Lemon adds a zesty, refreshing flavour and is known for its positive effects on digestion.
My origins lie in traditional herbal blends, where these ingredients have been valued for centuries. My taste is fruity and slightly sour, perfect for a refreshing tea experience.
Did you know that this tea contains 0% additives and is completely organically grown? Try me and be enchanted by the versatility of this special herbal tea.
Ingredients: Hibiscus blossoms, rosehip peel, lemongrass, lemon verbena, spearmint leaves, nettle leaves, rose petals.
Ingredients: Hibiscus flowers, rosehip peels, lemongrass, lemon verbena, spearmint leaves, nettle leaves, rose petals.
Ingredients: Fleurs d'hibiscus, écorces d'églantier, citronnelle, verveine citronnée, feuilles de menthe verte, feuilles d'ortie, pétales de rose.
Add: Hibiskusblüten, Hagebutten Scales, Zitronengras, Zitronenverbene, Krauseminzblätter, Brennnesselblätter, Rosenblütenblätter.
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