

Nice to meet you!

I am chili powder - a spicy spice with a powerful taste and aroma. Use me to add some heat to your dishes. My blend of ground chili peppers can vary in strength, so adjust my amount to your preference. Add me to stews, soups, chili, marinades, and more to create that hot taste you crave. Discover how I can transform your dishes and give them an unforgettable taste!

Ingredients: Chili powder

Ingrediënten: Chili poeder




Voedingswaarden Per 100g


Fat | Vetten ׀ Graisses ׀ Fette l دهون

Saturated fat | Verzadigd vet | Matières grasses saturées | Gesättigte Fette | دهون مشبعة

Trans fats | Transvetten | Graisses trans | Transfette | دهون متحولة

Cholesterol | Cholesterol | Cholestérol | Cholesterin | كولسترول

Sodium | Natrium | Sodium | Natrium | صوديوم

Carbohydrates | Koolhydraten | Glucides | Kohlenhydrate | كربوهيدرات

Dietary fiber | Voedingsvezels | Fibres alimentaires | Ballaststoffe | ألياف غذائية

Salt | Zout | Salé | Salz | ملح

Sugars | Suikers | Sucres | Zucker | سكريات

Added sugars | Toegevoegde suikers | Sucres ajoutés | Zugesetzter Zucker | سكر مضاف

Protein | Eiwitten | Protéines | Eiweiß | بروتين

Calcium | Calcium | Calcium | Kalzium | كالسيوم

Iron | IJzer | Fer | Eisen | حديد

Potassium | Kalium | Potassium | Kalium | بوتاسيوم